Sunday, June 29, 2008

Prayer Requests...

Katy and Haylee trying on some sunglasses.

We had to say "See you later" to our precious friend Katy Carter this morning. We are looking forward to her visiting us in Peru in the near future. You can see below that we had a great time with her during her visit. We are thankful for Mississippi Baptists, her parents and others supporting her financially so she could come and assist at our school, be involved in the La Carpio minstry, help out with the kids during their week off from school and a lot of other important ways that she served while she was here. Thanks Katy!

We have been looking forward to my brother and his wife (Pete and Carrie Holeman) visiting this week. They arrive Wednesday, July 2 and will be here in Costa Rica for a week.

Prayer Requests...

  1. Haylee and Jackson...they begin summer camp this week. We're not exactly sure what that is but if it involves homework I'm afraid that we will have a new volcano in San Jose...named Mount Liesa.

  2. Pray for Liesa and Jeff as we continue language study. It is difficult to stay focused and our brains are pretty 'mushy' right now. Not sure where we can put more info.

  3. Pray for our neighbor John McLamb. He had his tonsils removed last week and is having a tough time with the recovery. We're ready for him to be back at full speed.

  4. Pray for our friend and team mate (Reap North) Crystal Nelson. She had some nasal surgery next week and is still recovering. We miss seeing her face every day.

  5. Pray for the C family. They have had a tough couple of weeks. Pray for strength, comfort and wisdom for them.

We are so thankful for you and your support through prayer. It really does make a difference. We see the evidence each and every day. Thank you for giving to the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

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