Thursday, March 27, 2008

Please join us in praying...

PERU: (REAP North Team) In the highlands of Peru where mountains are covered with jungle lives a group of people who call themselves Ashaninca. There are no roads here. All travel is by boat. They live a simple life, sleeping in houses made of wooden poles, with leaf roofs. The Ashaninca provide food for themselves by raising yucca gardens and hunting, fishing, and gathering food. The majority of Ashaninca who live in this region have no access to the gospel. Because of the remoteness of the Ashaninca villages, medical care is non-existent. People suffer from parasites and other diseases due to the lack of clean drinking water and unsanitary practices. Spiritual darkness envelopes the region and causes much human suffering as well. Family units face instability and turmoil due to immorality and death. Roebuck Baptist Church from South Carolina adopted the Ashaninca people and visited several villages sharing the Good News. Many of the Ashaninca are under-educated and have difficulty reading. The strategy coordinators of Roebuck Baptist adopted a story telling approach so the people can learn and repeat Biblical truths. A conference for believers will be held in June to teach them more stories with the hopes that they will share them in their villages. Many Ashaninca villages are 1-3 days walking distance from the river. Please pray that believers from the villages where Roebuck is working will carry the gospel to these distant villages.

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